Hitoshi Hottchi
Areas of expertise:
Private equity industry, Medical devices industry, Chemical/Material industry, Consumer services industry, FMCG/CPG industry
Corporate strategy, Portfolio strategy, Business evaluation, Business due-diligence, Business strategy, Mid-term business planning, Business model change, Transformation, Profitability improvement, Sales/Marketing reform, Pricing strategy
Essential capabilities for companies seeking growth
If we say that "strategy is the best guess”, the essential capabilities in order to realize a strategy that produces results are the ability to build a strategy from the best guesses based on limited information, agile organization to quickly implement the PDCA cycle of strategy execution, and the ability to utilize the live suggestions obtained from execution to give feedback to the strategy (“the ability to turn the PDCA cycle to revise strategy”).
2 types of PDCA
The two PDCA cycles, strategy execution and strategy revision, both start from strategy building and run on live suggestions obtained from the execution. The PDCA cycle of strategy execution is a cycle that improves the maturity of the execution from the perspective of whether the strategy is being executed smoothly and whether there is a more skillful way to execute it. This PDCA is recognized more as the general PDCA. On the other hand, the PDCA for strategy revision is a cycle based on the viewpoint of whether there are any errors or changes in the important assumptions and hypotheses of the strategy, and whether there is room to create a better ‘best guess’ based on live suggestions obtained from the execution. This PDCA is positioned as a larger cycle that lies outside of the PDCA cycle of strategy execution and because of its’ large size, many companies seem to have issues managing it.
Roles of Genex partners
As a partner of growth seeking companies to realize essential strategic transformation, Genex partners will create results through the formulation and execution of company-wide strategies, business strategies and individual functional strategies, and realization of 2 PDCA by acquisition and utilization of live suggestions.
Reconstruction of business portfolio and strategic planning for individual product business
Major chemical company
Mid-term business planning, business portfolio restructuring and M&A strategy formulation for environment/energy division
Major general trading company
Reorganization, business planning and execution of management reform for specific domain division and affiliated subsidiary
Major material manufacturer
Development of business portfolio reorganization concept, productivity improvement by second PMI and business strategy planning for individual business companies
Major restaurant company
Identification of core business issues and development of transformation roadmap, channel reform, clerk operation reform, sales function/organization reconstruction, cost optimization and mid-term business planning for post IPO
Financial services company (portfolio company of an investment firm)
Mid-term business planning and execution support, and agility improvement for strategy execution
Financial services company (portfolio company of an investment firm)
Hands on management reform for growth strategy redevelopment, sales/marketing reform, R&D organization restructuring in short term
Mid-size medical devices company (portfolio company of an investment firm)
Hands on support for business due diligence by new shareholders, and marketing reform, growth strategic planning and execution
Mid-size consumer product company (portfolio company of an investment firm)
Crystallization of growth strategy, store management reinforcement/systematization, and formulation of sales development functions
Construction materials sales company (portfolio company of an investment firm)
Marketing strategy reformulation and development of system for product manager talent development
Major consumer product manufacturer
Conceptualization and execution roadmap planning for business structure reform
Major media company
Profitability analysis by products/customers, redevelopment of pricing strategy, growth strategy planning for cost cut and sales expansion
Major chemical manufacturer
Business reform planning (including production base consolidation plan) for profitability enhancement
Major chemical manufacturer
Visualization of profitability by sales store/business/products, and development of profitability management formation
Regional bank
Business evaluation/Business due diligence
Conducted business evaluation and business due diligence on healthcare, finance, materials, brand consumer products, general consumer products, retail services and other target investee companies for PE funds, principal investment companies, general trading companies and large manufacturing companies. (many cases)
Trend survey and impact assessment for renewable energy and advanced energy utilization technology
Central government agency
Evaluation of business prospects of research areas and development of basic policies for resource allocation to formulate mid to long-term research strategies
Independent administrative agency
Hitoshi joined Genex partners after working as a management consultant at a domestic consulting firm and serving a management role in a medical company. Hitoshi has more than 10 years of experience in helping private equity funds create and implement growth strategies for their portfolio companies, as well as helping other major companies formulate strategy and transform to become more competitive.
Method for heating pulverized glass containing arsenic, method for preventing arsenic elution from pulverized glass, and glass material
Positions outside of Genex
Director at Social Venture Partners Tokyo (SVP Tokyo)