Taku Oike
President & CEO
Senior Partner
Areas of expertise:
Life science industry, Finance industry, Media industry, Food industry, Manufacturing industry, BPO industry and Services industry
Design and execution of business strategy/business plan, New business development, Operational Excellence, Sales force reform, Store management enhancement, Project management and Change management
The way of thinking and the way things are carried out by each person as an individual are infinitely different because they are shaped by the events that the individual experienced in their lives. A company is a collection of individuals with such diverse backgrounds (life experiences). Therefore, it is not always easy to reach an agreement among the parties involved and get things done as expected, even if they are planned out properly. It's even more so when it comes to big themes that require change, or global themes that involve people from different cultural backgrounds.
The key to success is to focus on the target organizations and people (who and how to get them involved) from the start, aside from knowing what to do.
We consider people in organizations to be important and wish to be their partners to promote activities that produce results by fostering a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment within them.
Business improvement of safety information management (including handling of new regulations)
Major pharmaceutical company
Global outsourcing strategy planning, vendor selection and business transition support
Major pharmaceutical company
Preparation for national/global authorities inspection and voluntary inspection support
Major pharmaceutical company
Operation preparation support in response to change of clinical trial sponsor from US to Japan
Major pharmaceutical company
Global database and sales company management system implementation support
Major pharmaceutical company
New business model implementation and business planning
Major pharmacy chain company
Production of guidelines for productivity improvement of nursing care service business (medical services)
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Health and Welfare Bureau for the Elderly, Division of the Health for the Elderly
Business problem solving for retail business
Major investment bank
Sales force enhancement planning
Mid-size investment bank
AML (Anti-Money Laundering) structure reinforcement
Major regional bank
Business planning and execution support for business restructuring
Major credit company
Corporate profitability improvement for East and West headquarters
Major media company
Business planning for South East Asia
Major steel manufacturing company
Sales strategy planning for business revitalization
Mid-size food manufacturing company
Business due-diligence for M&A
Mid-size food manufacturing company
SCM optimization planning
Mid-size food manufacturing company
Special paper market research for M&A
Major paper manufacturing company
As-Is assessment and improvement activity support to streamline indirect departments
Mid-size paper manufacturing company
Business restructure planning (including production base consolidation planning)
Major chemical manufacturing company
Implementation of autonomous store improvement activities
Major hair salon
After gaining experience in sales at GE Capital Japan, Taku engaged in mid-term business planning and improved various issues as a Black Belt. Taku then became a management consultant at domestic and foreign consulting firms and has gained more than 15 years of experience as a management consultant.
“Dilemma of pharmaceutical companies and subcontractors - pharmaceutical company facing the issue of ‘safety information management’”
EnterpriseZine, 20 May 2013
“What should pharmaceutical companies do to become ‘Global Excellence’”
EnterpriseZine, 27 May 2013
“Evolution theory of Japanese companies/“5 evolutions” to compete globally”
Shoeisha Co., Ltd. *Co-author
“Approach for corporate transformation/corporate value enhancement”
Corporate transformation seminar
“How can Japanese survive the age of global corporations”
Diamond Inc. hosted seminar